Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My first craft fair!

I entered my first craft fair. Myself, and a few other natural parents pooled together to have a booth at the Do-it-yourself Fair. I've been crafting madly to make gnomes for the fair. Here is the funny thing though. Not one of my new gnomes sold, only the gnomes I'd already made. We're thinking of going in together for a few up coming fairs. I'm excited as the fair was actually quite fun. Here are some pictures of our booth and my gnomes on display.


  1. I know what you mean about certain things selling. The sale I did in June sold out of my gnomes in a leaf, so I made 10 for this past one. Didn't sell one of them! Go figure. Now I have some on hand for the next sale.
    it is kind of fun isn't it!

  2. Well I'm happy to be new guardian of two of your sweet gnomies, even though they weren't one of the freshly made ones ;) It was a hard choice and I really wanted one of each style!
