Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Learning to sew

K has been asking to sew for quite awhile now. My mom found this little sewing machine at a garage sale and K loves it! It took us awhile to figure out how to get the thing going (its not the worlds best sewing machine), but now he's asking to sew all the time. I love the way he examines his stitches after sewing. Its really sweet.


  1. I never thought of using a real machine for little ones. I have one too like yours in the house somewhere. I will go and find it! xx

  2. oh my six year old really wants to sew like Mama on the machine too - this would be helpful.

  3. I find that it's amazing that kids that young can sew. Amazing what kids can do if you teach them and give them independence.

    -Zane of ontario honey
