Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Well shoot. I ended up loading this directly onto blogger from my computer but now I can't tip the image. Well anyway it is a tiny preview of the advent calendar I am making for K this year. This is pre-felting of course. I still need to find some bubble wrap to finish the job. My plan for the calendar is pretty elaborate and there is no way I'll finish it this year, but I want to have the advent pockets hang below this winter scene. In each pocket I will make a felt woodland animal that can be added to the scene as the days progress. I'm just hoping to get the scene and the pockets done this year. Then I can just add animals as time goes on.


  1. oh, i love this idea!! i have been intending (but haven't started) to do a tree with an ornament to hang but i like the woodland scene a LOT! how will you attach the animals?

  2. it is so nice! I am working on a playscape right now for a love to see your finished product!
