Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wet felting the advent calendar

Laying the lightly needle felted scene on bubble wrap. I then poured warm water and soap on top of it. Next I rolled it up and then rolled it back and forth for about 10 minutes.
Here it is felted, but still soapy.
Rinsed off and starting to dry.
Why these are not flipping beats me. Anyway here is part two of my advent calendar. I have finally felted it so I don't have to worry about K getting ahold of it and pulling it apart. Today I ordered the rest of the felt that I'll need to make the calendar part. I'm going to make 25 little pockets below it and needle felt the numbers on. Might be awhile for my next update as I need to wait for the materials to arrive in the mail.


  1. What a wonderful project! Sometimes the blog programs flip the pictures funny. Can't figure out why. :)

  2. Looks awesome! You've got an heirloom in the works :)

  3. what was ur source for the wool in first pic?

  4. I had done a huge bulk order with a group of friends from an online company. Unfortunately we didn't have the best of luck with costumer service. :( I've since found a local store that sells wool and have been buying from them.
