Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Advent Calendar Finished (Kinda)

The advent calendar is finished (kinda). Next year I plan to add animals, but it is now in working order. I'm really excited to start december first.

K's little foot popped in there.

I know, I'm no artist, but these are the little slips I'm putting in the calendar to represent what we'll be doing that day.

I ended up using a small curtain rod to hang it by. Here is a close up of the pockets. They are each needle felted on wool felt.


  1. Looks great!
    My girls love love opening the advent calender each day. amazing how the little things delight them so!

  2. I love your wintery trees, such a beautiful calendar! And my advent calendar is done only kinda also. We have the star path and the angel to guide, the stones and crystals are there and I have started making the trees for this Sunday, so I am taking it in steps too :)

  3. Thanks everyone. :) K is still trying to get the hang of this advent thing. I'm sure he'll catch on in a few more days.
