Monday, January 3, 2011

Christmas Projects

We've been busy over here with holidays and I haven't had any time to get our pictures up here. So here are our projects from over the past month. I've given links for the projects that I found on the internet.

This is a picture Casey's family and the matching PJ bottoms I made for everyone for Christmas.

Homemade wholegrain cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning.

Christmas eve we had a little taffy pull.

Every year we cute fruit(lemons, oranges, limes, and grapefruit) and hang it on the tree. After the tree comes down we will cover the fruit in peanut butter and birdseed and hang them on a tree outside.

For this icicle project, K only had to squeeze tin foil, rub it in glue, and put sparkles on it. He had such a great time he made tons:

This is a picture of K's little group of friends. We got together over the holidays to celebrate and exchange handmade gifts. I made the kids matching fish PJ bottoms. Somehow I lucked out and got them all in one picture.

Sorry for the sideways picture. These are k's handprints to form a reindeer. He gave these away to his relatives for Christmas.

We've been busy over here with holidays and I haven't had any time to get our pictures up here. So here are our projects from over the past month. I've given links for the projects that I found on the internet.

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