Monday, February 7, 2011

Ice Catchers

We tried a new variation on the Ice Catcher idea. This time we used Ikea ice molds (I've been collecting them at garage sales all summer to make crayons) and food coloring.

First we filled the molds and used food coloring to dye them.

We left them outside to freeze.

Next we place them into pie tins and filled the tins with clear water (the dye leaked out of the ice cubes).

Here are the final results. Stars


Puzzle pieces
Mixed shapes
The project took a few days for everything to freeze. My 1 mistake was taking the colored cubes inside to place them into the pie tins. They melted a bit and made for a less dramatic finish. Oh well. Next time. They still turned out pretty.


  1. These are beautiful. I wish I could find those ice molds are garage sales around here. We don't have an Ikea anywhere close by. I will have to see if I can come up with something else.

    Found you through Natural Subrubia's Creative Friday. We shared our homemade lip balm.

    Blessings, Elizabeth
