Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Snow Candles

We finally got around to making snow candles. I've been wanting to do this for so long. We've also gotten better at lighting a candle during dinner so we were in need of some new candles.

First we melted the wax. Then we dug little holes in the snow. I was so sure that when we poured the wax it it would melt the snow and make a huge hole, but nope, the wax began to harden as soon as we poured it in.

Here are the candles beginning to harden.

Our finished products. They are funny shapes, but they turned out great.

Here is one of our candles lit for dinner.


  1. oh, they came out beautiful! I wish I had learned about this while we were in snow country!

  2. Those are so neat looking! I love how they turned out!

  3. Love this idea

    I'm visiting from The Magic Onions Friday Nature Table: I'm Butterfly Wishes and Wonderland Dreams

  4. Beautiful! I bet they smell amazing too!

  5. Lovely blog on Seasonal candles
    Keep up the good work.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Good job
    Keep sharing more and more.
