Thursday, April 28, 2011

Fairy Gardens

About two weeks before Easter we planted pots with grass seed. I started to get a little worried a few days before easter when it had still not sprouted but come Easter morning the grass was ready.
K and I also took some walks around the block collecting sticks, bark, leaves, and stones. We must have looked quite strange gathering these things out of people's yards. Ha ha.
For the gardens we also had colored wool, glass stones, and ceramic tiles. Oh and a glue gun to make furniture.
Everyone in the family (accept my brother who fell asleep) joined in the fun.

K's uncle made this fairy stone hedge.

K's Aunt made this Seuss like garden (sorry its hard to get a good angle on these gardens).

K's Grandma mad this fairy graveyard.

K's Mom (me) and dad made this fairy garden.

This one was made by K's other grandma and his grandpa Frank.


  1. I think that looks more like a fairy hospital!! What kind of grandma makes a fairy graveyard!!??
