Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween sensory bin

I just made my first sensory bin.  Here are some pictures from when I first set it out.  I used red lentils and black beans and believe it or not I actually had all the other little things on hand. 

So I put this bin together and handed it to my 3 yr old.  He messed around with it for about 5mins and then walked away.  My 1st thought was that this was just not going to work for my little guy. 

Well the next day my mom brought me a pack of electric tea lights.  I added some of those to the bin along with some more little containers and a spoon to scoop and dump.  BINGO!  Now he can't get enough of this bin!  The lights are so fun in the evening.  I think I'll be adding those to our next bin too (well if it make sense). 

So now I can't stop thinking of other ideas for bins.  I know K would love a gardening bin (he keeps pretending this one is a garden) and a construction vehicle bin.   I have no idea what I'll do next, but it will probably depend on what sorts of materials I run into.

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