Saturday, June 12, 2010

Back from the beach

K's foot steps and he races down the beach
America's only working real windmill from Holland. We toured this windmill while on Windmill Island. Their current Miller is America's first women miller.
K exploring the local museum
Our crazy sand castle
While walking through the woods we stumbled on this fawn.
We spent this past week on Lake Michigan playing in the sand and exploring the near by city. We rented out a house with 4 other families with children K's age. We had a great time! All of my crafting took a back seat while I was gone so it might take a few days to really get posting again.


softearthart said...

Nice to have a break ans do other, different things, cheers Marie

Ariella said...

love the footprints!

simon pointer said...


I loved your image of the footprints on the beach and am looking for a photo like that for a web site design.

Can I have permission to use your image?

you can get me on simonpointer at hot mail dot com